Circles. We live in them. Each 'today' is a copy of a 'yesterday'. But then, 'yesterdays' don't exist. They existed in the past and faded away. They're truly gone. Then perhaps, each 'today' is an independent original clean copy on its own. Hm, what a confusion. Let's drop this argument.
The future remains a mirage of several 'tomorrows' glued together by the adhesion between hope, faith and belief. Circles, we've been living in them. Same days, same nights, same minutes, same hours, same mornings, same evenings, honestly, they all look and feel the same. All these days feel the same. As if when we switch off the lights in our rooms and go to sleep every night, we are hitting the same repeat button, over and over again. A thing quite many of us will nod to in admittance.
The truth is, our existence is a circle. We live in circles. All these days are all the same. It is what you do on a particular day that makes you say at the end of it, "This was a great day!" or perhaps, "What a horrible day!" Some of us have managed to break those circles with the positive impact we make each and every day with what we do and joined them to make a long line that we can trace to a 'bright future', while some of us have been failing at our efforts, and been making negative impact each and every day, hence live in dull circles, over and over again.
Drew Poetry
~Andy Mwalasha